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Selasa, 20 November 2012

The Craziest Class during Senior High School

well, I will share my experience during my Senior High School Period, for some people thought that Senior High School was the best phase in their life. Indeed, I had the same good as others about Senior High School Period.

The Craziest moment started when my Arabic teacher named Mr. Amin (the Rock and Awesome teacher I think) went out from class for some un-important reasons. Who cares about what he did at that time. Luckily, my Arabic class was the most naughty student inside it, one of them is the big guy named Odik. He is the best trouble maker in my year, almost all teachers known him as well. Guys you can wonder how's so naughty he is, but it does not merely his behavior, he also have something funny to be shared by us.

Here is the report that I already catch by my mobile camera, enjoy our craziness moment. I hope for you who has the same experience like me can give your fantastic moment here.

Enjoy my fabulous moment:

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